ALIC²E Cooperations and Outreach

Members of the CACTI Workshop

CACTI und AerChemMIP2 

As co-chair of AerChemMIP2, Prof. Fiedler has a leading role in the experimental design for CMIP7 experiments with interactive chemistry and aerosol schemes. An online overview of AerChemMIP2 is hosted by CMIP.

Blog - EXPORT Expedition

EXPORT's aim is to better understand aerosol transport based on new atmospheric measurements during ocean expiditions. The two first expiditions take place from January to March 2025. Our students Arne Leuzinger and Simon Speith of Heidelberg University report about the research during the expedition.


Our group engages in public outreach via different media and formats with a few examples listed below.



COVID-19 impacts on meteorology, podcast special by “Radio Köln”
COVID-19 impacts on climate, live in radio morning show by “Deutschlandfunk Nova”

