HydroTraP Group Tracer & Proxies
Environmental and climatic conditions
HydroTraP uses the following proxies for environmental conditions:
2H, 18O, major isotopes of Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe
These methods can be used to study processes in the ocean as well as in various archives for environmental and climatic conditions, e.g. in speleothems and in glacier ice. In the following, the application in groundwater is discussed, which so far has most frequently been realized by HydroTraP.
Study of old groundwater
Groundwater in extended or deep aquifers can exhibit very high residence times in the subsurface, and thus constitute an archive of past precipitation. In particular, it is often possible to reconstruct the isotopic composition and the concentrations of conservative trace substances, such as the noble gases, back to the last ice age. These environmental tracers yield information on the environmental conditions (esp. temperature) at the time of infiltration, which itself is usually determined by 14C dating. In this way the temperature history of the last 30 to 40 thousand years can be reconstructed. The following methods are applied in this field:
- the noble gas thermometer, based on the temperature dependent solubility of the atmospheric noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe);
- the stable isotopes of water, based on isotope fractionation effects in the hydrological cycle (δ2H, δ18O);
The reconstruction of recharge temperatures from dissolved noble gases and stable isotopes today constitutes an established method to determine the temperature change during the transition from the last glacial maximum to the present warm period.
Noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe)
The solubilities of the heavy noble gases (Ar, Kr, Xe) in water depend strongly on temperature. The measurement of noble gas concentrations in groundwater allows therefore the determination of the temperature at the time of infiltration, which has been successfully used in many studies to reconstruct the temperature history back to the last ice age.
The advantage of the so-called noble gas thermometer compared to other paleotemperature proxies such as the stable isotopes is that due to the exact knowledge of the solubilities reliable absolute temperatures can be determined. The noble gas paleothermometer is generally accepted as reliable indicator of absolute temperatures, which is the basis of its importance for the calibration of climate models. The majority of the noble gas paleoclimate studies comes from temperate latitudes in Europe and North America. There, such studies reveal a glacial cooling of 5 to 9 °C, where the highest values have been explained by the influence of the glacial ice shields (see reviews in Stute und Schlosser 1993, 2000, Kipfer et al. 2002). In more recent time noble gas studies have increasingly been conducted in (sub)tropical latitudes, which also yield coolings of about 5 °C (Stute et al. 1995, Stute and Talma 1998, Edmunds et al. 1999, Weyhenmeyer et al. 2000, Beyerle et al. 2003).

A difficulty of the noble gas method (as well as of the dating methods based on gaseous tracers) lies in the occurrence of the so-called "excess air" in groundwater, which has be be taken into account in the calculation of noble gas temperatures by inverse numerical methods (Ballentine and Hall 1999; Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 1999). Excess air in groundwater is however not just an annoyance, but can potentially yield useful indications about the recharge conditions. Especially in semi-arid regions a relationship between excess air and recharge or precipitation intensity has been suggested (Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 2002a, Beyerle et al. 2003, Kulongoski et al. 2004), which could render "excess air" a proxy for paleo-humidity.
Stable Isotopes (δ18O, δ2H)
The stable isotopes of the water molecule (δ18O, δ2H) have been applied successfully for decades in hydrology and climatology (e.g. Clark and Fritz, 1997). The serve to identify recharge conditions, origin, and mixing of different waters. In regions with marked topography, the stable isotopes can be used to determine the recharge altitude (by the so-called altitude effect, Gonfinatini et al., 2001), which allows a delineation of the recharge areas and is of high importance for the interpretation of gas tracer data. Particularly important in paleoclimate studies on groundwater is the already mentioned possibility to use stable isotopes as paleotemperature proxies. Compared to the noble gases, the stable isotopes have a much wider field of application as temperature proxy, but their calibration as a thermometer is a difficult and much discussed problem (e.g. Fricke and O'Neil 1999). The combination of noble gas temperatures and stable isotopes in groundwater studies offers a unique possibility to locally calibrate the relationship between temperature and isotope ratios, which is needed as a basis for the interpretation of other continental climate archives (e.g. ice cores, lake sediments, speleothems).
Excess air in groundwater
The experience from many measurements of dissolved conservative gases (mostly noble gases) in groundwater has shown that their concentrations lie almost always above the expected solubility equilibrium with the atmosphere. The composition of the gas excess relative to the solubility equilibrium proves its atmospheric origin, which led to the common term "excess air" (Heaton and Vogel, 1981). The cause of the excess air are certainly small air bubbles that are trapped in the so-called quasi-saturated zone during a rise of the groundwater table (Faybishenko, 1995).
Originally it has been assumed that excess air in groundwater was due to complete dissolution of such entrapped air bubbles (Heaton and Vogel, 1981; Andrews et al., 1979) and therefore should have the exact same composition as air. The detailed investigation of noble gas data sets, especially with inverse numerical methods (Ballentine and Hall 1999; Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 1999) has however shown that this assumption is in many cases not correct. As a solution, more complex models of the formation of excess air have been developed (Stute et al. 1995, Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 2000), which include a fractionation of the composition of excess air with respect to air.
According to our experience, the model of formation and composition of excess air by equilibration between water and entrapped bubbles in a closed system has proven to be very reliable (Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 2000). This model also provides a theoretical basis for the interpretation of the excess air as an indicator of environmental conditions during groundwater recharge (Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 2002a). It shows that the hydrostatic pressure has a dominating influence on the size of excess air. Because the hydrostatic pressure is related to water table fluctuations, eventually a relationship between excess air and recharge or precipitation intensity can be expected (Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 2002a, Beyerle et al. 2003, Kulongoski et al. 2004). These relationships have essentially been corroborated by detailed investigations on excess air under controlled conditions (Holocher et al., 2002, 2003).
Because of the importance of the excess air correction for the 3H-3He and SF6 methods, we combine whenever possible complete noble gas analyses with these dating methods. Both the recharge temperature and the excess air component can then reliably be determined by the inverse modeling and are correctly accounted for (including a possible fractionation) in the age calculation.
Tritium (3H)
The radioactive hydrogen isotope 3H (half-life 12.32 years), was released in the 1950s and early 60s by tests of thermonuclear bombs in the atmosphere. The resulting "bomb peak" in precipitation rendered tritium an important tracer in hydrology. However, since the temporal dynamics of tritium in precipitation has strongly decreased in the past decades, tritium data on their own are not always very meaningful.
The 3H-3He method, based on combined measurements of 3H and its decay product 3He, allows precise dating of water in the range of months up to 60 years, independent of the tritium input curve. This methods was originally developed for oceanography, but soon was applied to study vertical mixing in lakes (e.g. Torgersen et al., 1977; Hohmann et al., 1998) as well as to date shallow groundwaters (e.g. Schlosser et al., 1988; Solomon et al., 1995). The 3H-3He method can probably be called the most precise and reliable method for the dating of young waters. Nevertheless it is recommended to combine it with at least one additional dating method, whereupon the combination with the SF6 method (see below) is particularly attractive. In groundwater this combination offers among others the advantage that from the measurement of Ne (and possibly heavier noble gases), which is routinely performed for the 3H-3He dating, the so-called "excess air", an enhancement of gas concentrations relative to solubility equilibrium typical for groundwater, can be determined. This information is necessary to carry out the respective correction of the SF6 results. In young groundwater, which infiltrated during the past years to decades, environmental tracers such as 3H-3He and SF6 are reliable tools for the age dating and thus for the determination of recharge rates (e.g. Solomon et al., 1993) and flow velocities (e.g. Stute et al., 1997). Therewith groundwater flow patterns and most importantly fluxes can be defined more precisely as solely on the basis of hydraulic head data. In the case of interaction between ground and surface water, a clear difference in the age and hence in the concentrations can be observed between the two components, which allows mixing calculations to be performed.
SUlphur hexaflouridE (SF6)
Sulphur hexaflouride (SF6) is an anthropogenic trace gas that has been used, among other things, to study atmospheric exchange processes, e.g. the exchange of air masses between the northern and southern hemispheres. Its high stability and the associated long service life are very advantageous properties for this purpose. Through contact with the atmosphere, SF6 also enters the hydrosphere in accordance with its solubility. Using SF6 as an aquatic marker tracer, quantitative statements on horizontal and vertical flow and mixing processes have been made in dispersion experiments in the ocean and in lakes since the end of the 1980s. SF6 has also been used to investigate gas transfer through the water surface.
Due to the constant increase in the atmospheric mixing ratio of SF6, groundwater or surface water is given time information when it is separated from the atmosphere, i.e. the SF6 concentration in closed water bodies reflects the time of the last contact with the atmosphere. For young groundwater (<50 years), SF6 measurements - together with CFCs, which behaved in a similar way at least until the 1990s (see below), and tritium - provide a widely used and suitable dating tool today. However, the accuracy of SF6 ages is limited by uncertainties, e.g. about infiltration temperature and excess air in newly formed groundwater. A combination with the 3H-3He method is therefore indicated, as the resulting
noble gas data allow corrections of the SF6 data.
Fluorochlorocarbons (FCKW)
Fluorochlorclorocarbons (CFCs) or freons, in particular F-12 (CCl2F2) and F-11 (CCl3F), are anthropogenic trace gases, which behave nearly conservatively in the environment. In analogy to the SF6 method, the increase of the atmospheric mixing ratios of CFCs from about 1950 until the 1990s enables the dating of younger waters (e.g. Busenberg and Plummer, 1992). Since however as a result of the production stop (Montreal treaty) the increase of the CFCs has changed into a decrease in past decades, this method is not appropriate anymore for recent waters, as they can be expected e.g. in the vicinity of surface waters. Yet, for water with ages between about 20 and 50 years, the CFCs still offer a good, relatively simple and cheap dating method. However, local contamination or the degradation of CFCs under anoxic conditions can complicate the interpretation. On the other hand, excess air corrections are of minor importance only.

Dating in the age range of centuries to tens of thousands of years
Helium dating (4He)
The accumulation of radiogenic He can, especially for very old groundwaters, be used at least as a semi-quantitative dating tool, which is so to speak built-in with the noble gas method. A quantitative dating with He is however often hindered by the uncertainty on the strength and origin of the He flux in aquifers (e.g. Torgersen and Clarke 1985, Solomon et al. 1996, Castro et al. 2000). There are, nevertheless, also successful examples of the use of radiogenic He for dating (Aeschbach-Hertig et al. 2002c, Beyerle et al. 2003).
Radiocarbon dating (14C)
The age dating of groundwaters for the reconstruction of paleoclimate records is usually done by the 14C method on the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), despite the problems of this method due to carbon exchange processes in the subsurface. The basic idea of 14C dating of groundwater is that young (14C-active) carbon in the form of soil air CO2 gets dissolved in groundwater during recharge and thereafter decreases only by radioactive decay with a half-life of 5730 years. However, it has become evident that already during infiltration also old (14C-dead) carbon enters the groundwater by carbonate dissolution. The contributions of the different carbon sources has to be estimated, which is usually done based on the stable carbon isotopes (δ13C). To this end, a number of models exist, of which the most widely used is probably the one of Fontes and Garnier (1979). Whereas these corrections can be performed reliably in carbonate-poor aquifers, in some aquifers large difficulties occur due to dissolution and precipitation of carbonates along the flow path. The 14C method is nevertheless still the most important and often the only quantitative method to date groundwaters in the age range of a few thousand up to about 40000 years.
Radioargon dating (39Ar)
The noble gas radioisotope 39Ar unlocks the age range of centuries in a unique way. New development have dramatically facilitated its analysis.

Dating in the age range up to about 70 years
Several isotope and tracer methods exist for the determination of water residence times back to the 1950s. Among them are:
the 3H-method, based on the time dependent input ("bomb peak") of the radioactive hydrogen isotope tritium (3H);
the 3H-3He-Method, based on the radioactive decay of tritium (3H) to the stable helium isotope 3He (e.g. Schlosser et al., 1988);
the SF6 -Method, based on the continuing rise of the trace gas sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) in the atmosphere (e.g. Busenberg and Plummer, 2000);
- the CFC-Method, based on the rise of the atmospheric content of fluorochlorocarbons (CFCs) from about 1950 until the 1990s (e.g. Busenberg and Plummer, 1992).
It is recommended to apply at least two of the mentioned methods together, in order to increase the reliability of the results and possibly to quantify mixing processes. The 3H-3He and CFC methods have proven valuable to determine mean groundwater residence times and recharge rates (e.g. Cook und Solomon, 1997). The SF6 method closes the dating gap for young waters that that has been created by the end of the atmospheric increase of the CFCs.