HydroTraP Group Research Topics

The HydroTraP group deals with the experimental development, methodical improvement and practical application of tracer and proxy methods in the hydrosphere (groundwater, lakes, and oceans) as well as in climate archives (speleothems, glaciers, and aquifers).


Our central tools are stable and radioactive isotopes of the noble gases (3He, 4He, main isotopes of Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe sowie 39Ar, 81Kr, 85Kr, 222Rn). Often we use the noble gases in combination with classical methods of isotope hydrology (2H, 18O, 3H and 14C) or with transient environmental tracers (SF6, CFCs).

Information on many of our current and completed research projects can be found on the pages of DFG (GEPRIS Project Details on W. Aeschbach). Many projects are connected to thte innovative development of Dating by Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA).

Current research projects


  • The Arctic Ocean 2020 - Ventilation timescales, anthropogenic carbon and variability in a changing environment
  • Novel age determination of alpine glaciers by 39Ar-ATTA (ArTTA-ICE)

Completed research projects


Deep reservoir analysis and characterization of the Earth’s surface (TRACE)
Determination of groundwater recharge rates in the North China Plain using environmental tracers and groundwater models
Age and recharge rate of groundwater reserves in Jordan
Global change and the energy system: Assessing options and their impacts – the physical perspective
Advancing the use of noble gases as paleoclimate indicators – project of our EU Marie-Curie fellow Laszlo Palcsu
Groundwater hydrology of reclamation areas near the south-western Nile Delta, Egypt
Groundwater hydrology of the Odenwald region, Germany