Weissbach, T.,
T. Kluge, S. Affolter, M. C. Leuenberger, H. Vonhof, D. F. C. Riechelmann, J. Fohlmeister, M.-C. Juhl, B. Hemmer, Y. Wu, S. F. Warken, M. Schmidt, N. Frank, and W. Aeschbach | | Constraints for precise and accurate fluid inclusion stable isotope analysis using water-vapour saturated CRDS techniques | | 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121268. | |
Purtschert, R.,
A. J. Love, W. Jiang, Z.-T. Lu, G.-M. Yang, S. Fulton, D. Rohling, P. Shand, W. Aeschbach, L. Bröder, P. Müller, and Y. Tosaki | | Residence times of groundwater along a flow path in the Great Artesian Basin determined by 81Kr, 36Cl and 4He: Implications for palaeo hydrogeology | Sci. Total Environ. 859: 159886 | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159886 | |
Rädle, V.,
A. Kersting, M. Schmidt, L. Ringena, J. Robertz, W. Aeschbach, M. Oberthaler, and T. Müller | | Multi-Tracer groundwater dating in Southern Oman using Bayesian modelling. | Water Resour. Res. 58, e2021WR031776 | | |
Schwenk, C.,
S. Negele, C. M. Balagizi, W. Aeschbach, and B. Boehrer | | High temperature noble gas thermometry in Lake Kivu. | East Africa. Sci. Total Environ. 837: 155859 | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155859 | |
Schwenk, C.,
F. Freundt, W. Aeschbach, and B. Boehrer | | Extending Noble Gas Solubilities in Water to Higher Temperatures for Environmental Application. | J. Chem. Eng. Data 67, 1164–1173 | | |
Broers, H. P.,
J. Sültenfuß, W. Aeschbach, A. Kersting, A. Menkovich, J. de Weert, and J. Castelijns | | Paleoclimate signals and groundwater age distributions from 39 public water works in the Netherlands; insights from noble gases and carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotope tracers. | Water Resources Research 57, e2020WR029058 | | |
Walraevens, K.,
A. Fernández-Lagunas, P. Blaser, W. Aeschbach, A. Vandenbohede, M. Van Camp | | Understanding the mechanisms of groundwater recharge and flow in periglacial environments: New insights from the Ledo-Paniselian aquifer in Belgium. | J. Contam. Hydrol. 241, 103819 | 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2021.103819 | |
Vaikmäe, R.,
J. Pärn, V. Raidla, J. Ivask, E. Kaup, W. Aeschbach, C. Gerber, J.-M. Lemieux, R. Purtschert, A. Sterckx, T. Martma, and L. Vallner | | Late Pleistocene and Holocene groundwater flow history in the Baltic Artesian Basin: a synthesis of numerical models and hydrogeochemical data. | Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 70: 152–164 | | |
Seltzer, A. M.,
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Foshag, K.,
N. Aeschbach, B. Höfle, R. Winkler, A. Siegmund, W. Aeschbach | | Viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat: A transdisciplinary approach. | Sustainable Cities and Society 59: 102215 | 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102215 | |
Walraevens, K.,
P. Blaser, W. Aeschbach, M. Van Camp | | A palaeoclimatic record from the Ledo-Panselian Aquifer in Belgium - indications for groundwater recharge and flow in a periglacial environment. | | 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.06.003 | |
Sprenger, M.,
C. Stumpp, M. Weiler, W. Aeschbach, S. T. Allen, P. Benettin, M. Dubbert, A. Hartmann, M. Hrachowitz, J. W. Kirchner, J. J. McDonnell, N. Orlowski, D. Penna, S. Pfahl, M. Rinderer, N. Rodriguez, M. Schmidt, C. Werner | | The demographics of water: A review of water ages in the critical zone. | Rev. Geophys., 57: 800–834 | | |
Feng, Z.,
P. Bohleber, S. Ebser, L. Ringena, M. Schmidt, A .Kersting, P. Hopkins, H. Hoffmann, A. Fischer, W. Aeschbach, M. K. Oberthaler | | Dating glacier ice of the last millennium by quantum technology. | Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116: 8781–8786 | | |
Raidla, V.,
J. Pärn, W. Aeschbach, S. Schloemer, G. Czuppon, J. Ivask, A. Marandi, H. Sepp, R. Vaikmäe, K. Kirsimäe | | Origin and formation of methane in groundwater of glacial origin from the Cambrian-Vendian aquifer system in Estonia. | Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 251: 247–264 | 10.1016/j.gca.2019.02.029 | |
Pärn, J.,
K. Walraevens, M. van Camp, V. Raidla, W. Aeschbach, R. Friedrich, J. Ivask, E. Kaup, T. Martma, J. Mažeika, R. Mokrik, T. Weissbach, R. Vaikmäe | | Dating of glacial palaeogroundwater in the Ordovician-Cambrian aquifer system, northern Baltic Artesian Basin. | Appl. Geochem. 102: 64–76 | 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.01.004 | |
Raidla, V.,
J. Pärn, W. Aeschbach, G. Czuppon, J. Ivask, M. Kiisk, R. Mokrik, V. Samalavičius, S. Suursoo, S. Tarros, T. Weissbach | | Intrusion of Saline Water into a Coastal Aquifer Containing Palaeogroundwater in the Viimsi Peninsula in Estonia. | | 10.3390/geosciences9010047 | |
Ebser, S.,
A. Kersting, T. Stöven, Z. Feng, L. Ringena, M.Schmidt, T. Tanhua, W. Aeschbach, M. K. Oberthaler | | 39Ar dating with small samples provides new key constraints on ocean ventilation. | | 10.1038/s41467-018-07465-7 | |
| | A new software tool for the analysis of noble gas data sets from (ground)water. | Environ. Modell. Software 103: 120–130 | 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.02.004 | |
Gerber, C.,
R. Vaikmäe, W. Aeschbach, A. Babre, W. Jiang, M. Leuenberger, Z.-T. Lu, R. Mokrik, P. Müller, V. Raidla, T. Saks, H. N. Waber, T. Weißbach, J. C. Zappala, R. Purtschert | | Using 81Kr and noble gases to characterize and date groundwater and brines in the Baltic Artesian Basin on the one-million-year timescale. | Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 205: 187–210 | 10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.033 | |
Müller, T.,
Osenbrueck, K., Strauch, G., Pavetich, S., Al-Mashaikhi, K.-S., Herb, C., Merchel, S., Rugel, G., Aeschbach, W., Sanford, W. | | Use of multiple age tracers to estimate groundwater residence times and long-term recharge rates in arid southern Oman. | | | |
| | New perspectives for noble gases in oceanography. | J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 6550–6554 | | |
Kaudse, T.,
R. Bani-Khalaf, R. Tuffaha, F. Freundt, W. Aeschbach-Hertig | | Noble gases reveal the complex groundwater mixing pattern and origin of salinization in the Azraq Oasis, Jordan. | Appl. Geochem. 66: 114-128 | | |
Wei W.,
W. Aeschbach-Hertig, Z. Chen | | Identification of He sources and estimation of He ages in groundwater of the North China Plain. | Appl. Geochem. 63: 182-189 | | |
Visser A.,
E. Fourre, F. Barbecot, L. Aquilina, T. Labasque, V. Vergnaud, B. K. Esse | | Intercomparison of tritium and noble gases analyses, 3H/3He ages and derived parameters excess air and recharge temperature. | Appl. Geochem. 50: 130-141 | | |
Labasque T.,
L. Aquilina, V. Vergnaud, F. Barbecot | | Inter-laboratory comparison of the analyses of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and three chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, -12 and -113) in groundwater and an air standard. | Appl. Geochem. 50: 118-129 | | |
Ritterbusch, F.,
S. Ebser, J. Welte, T. Reichel, A. Kersting, R. Purtschert, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, M. K. Oberthaler | | Groundwater dating with Atom Trap Trace Analysis of 39Ar. | | | |
| | Radiokrypton dating finally takes off. | Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111: 6856-6857 | | |
Kluge, T.,
T. Marx, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, C. Spotl, D.K. Richter | | Noble gas concentrations in fluid inclusions as tracer for the origin of coarse-crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates. | | | |
Sander, T.,
T. Marx, J. Engel, W. Aeschbach-Hertig | | Reproducibility and accuracy of noble gas measurements on water samples in the microlitre range. | Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28: 42-48 | | |
Friedrich, R.,
G. Vero, C. von Rohden, B. Lessmann, R. Kipfer, and W. Aeschbach-Hertig | | Factors controlling terrigenic SF6 in young groundwater of the Odenwald region (Germany). | | Appl. Geochem. 33: 318;329 | |
Aeschbach-Hertig, W.,
D.K., Solomon | | Noble gas thermometry in groundwater hydrology. | Springer Verlag, pp. 81-122 | | |
Utting, N.,
B. Lauriol, N. Mochnacz, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, I. Clark | | Noble gas and isotope geochemistry in western Canadian Arctic watersheds: tracing groundwater recharge in permafrost terrain. | | | |
Kluge, T.,
H. P. Affek, T. Marx, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, D. F. C. Riechelmann, D. Scholz, S. Riechelmann, A. Immenhauser, D. K. Richter, J. Fohlmeister, A. Wackerbarth, A. Mangini, C. Spotl | | Reconstruction of drip-water δ 18O based on calcite oxygen and clumped isotopes of speleothems from Bunker Cave (Germany). | | | |
Freundt, F.,
T. Schneider, W. Aeschbach-Hertig | | Response of noble gas partial pressures in soil air to oxygen depletion. | | | |
Jung, M.,
M. Wieser, A. von Oehsen and W. Aeschbach-Hertig | | Properties of the closed-system equilibration model for dissolved noble gases in groundwater. | Chem. Geol., 339: 291-300 | | |
Aeschbach-Hertig, W., T. Gleeson | | Regional strategies for the accelerating global problem of groundwater depletion. | Nature Geoscience, 5: 853-861 | | |
Kluge, T.,
C. von Rohden, P. Sonntag, S. Lorenz, M. Wieser, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, J. Ilmberger | | Localising and quantifying groundwater inflow into lakes using high-precision 222Rn profiles. | Journal of Hydrology, 450-451: 70-81 | | |
Tröndle, T.,
U. Platt, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, K. Pfeilsticker | | Erneuerbare Energie fur Europa. | Phys. Unserer Zeit, Vol. 43(6): 300-306 | | |
Utting, N.,
I. Clark, B. Lauriol, M. Wieser, W. Aeschbach-Hertig | | Origin and flow dynamics of perennial groundwater in continuous permafrost terrain using isotopes and noble gases: Case study of the Fishing Branch River, Northern Yukon, Canada. | Permafrost Periglac., 23 Vol. 2: 91-106 | | |
Sanford, W. E.,
W. Aeschbach-Hertig, A. Herczeg | | Preface: Insights from environmental tracers in groundwater systems. | | | |
Welte, J.,
F. Ritterbusch, I. Steinke, M. Henrich, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, M. K. Oberthaler | | Towards the realization of atom trap trace analysis for 39Ar. | New J. Phys. 12, 065031(14pp) | | |
Newman, B. D.,
K. Osenbruck; W. Aeschbach-Hertig; D. K. Solomon; P. Cook; K. Rozanski; R. Kipfer | | Dating of 'young' groundwaters using environmental tracers: advantages, applications, and research needs. | Isotopes in Environ. and Health Studies, 46(3): 259- 278 | | |