Personal Page Robert Maiwald
Contact details
Room 308
Im Neuenheimer Feld 229
69120 Heidelberg
Tel: 06221 - 546527

Research interests
For my PhD project, I am using the atmospheric transport model GRAMM/GRAL to explore possibilities to estimate carbon dioxide emissions from cities using in-situ measurement networks. My main focus is the city of Paris where I am using measurements and emission data from the ICOS Cities project to develop and test a framework for urban emission estimation.
Research projects
- Atmospheric inversion of Paris from carbon dioxide in-situ measurements (ICOS Cities)
- Atmospheric modelling of CO2 with GRAMM/GRAL of the Bay Area
- Forecasting wildfire development using satellite data (Code for Earth from ECMWF)
- Modelling carbon dioxide concentrations with WRF and footprints with LPDM for the development of a regional measurement network (Aerolab group of Prof. Thomas Lauvaux)
- Observing system simulation experiments with an inversion system for Heidelberg (MA thesis, group of Dr. Sanam Vardag and Prof. André Butz)
- Representative of the Early Career Scientists (ECS) at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) for the Atmospheric Science (AS) division (since 2024)
- Part of the team of PhD representatives of the IUP (since 2024)
- Part of the selection commitee for PhD scholarships for the Heinrich Böll Foundation (since 2024)
- Spokesperson of the student scholarship holders of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (2022-2023)
Scholarships and stipends
- PhD scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation (since 2024)
- Erasmus+ scholarship for research stay in Reims, France (2023)
- ECMWF, Code for Earth stipend (2023)
- Student scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation (2018-2022)
Conference Contributions and Articles
- Vardag, S. N. and Maiwald, R.: Optimising urban measurement networks for CO2 flux estimation: a high-resolution observing system simulation experiment using GRAMM/GRAL, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 1885–1902, 2024,
- Maiwald, R., Sommani, A., Strömberg, J., Järvi, L., Ramonet, M., Laurent, O., D'Angeli, C., Lauvaux, T., Vardag, S. N.: A high-resolution atmospheric inversion framework for CO2 observations in Paris using GRAMM/GRAL, ICOS Science Conference 2024, Versailles, France, 10-12 September 2024.
- Maiwald, R., Lauvaux, T., Strömberg, J., and Vardag, S. N.: Applying a high-resolution atmospheric inversion framework to CO2 observations using GRAMM/GRAL, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17610, 2024,
- Maiwald, R. and Vardag, S. N.: Observing System Simulation Experiment for designing a monitoring network in urban areas using the GRAMM/GRAL model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2434, 2023,
- Maiwald, R., Wald, S., Suter, I., Brunner, D., Butz, A., and Vardag, S.: High-resolution meteorological simulations in Heidelberg using GRAMM/GRAL model, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4769, 2022,