Two PhD student positions: Boundary layer dynamics from observations and modelling for wind energy applications in MiRadOr project
The Institute of Environmental Physics conducts research on the topics atmospheric modeling and observations. We are looking for two enthusiastic PhD students who are interested in fundamental research on boundary layer meteorology tailored to the needs for wind energy. The positions are part of the exciting research and transfer project MiRadOr led by University Heidelberg with well-known European partners from research and globally leading industry partners for wind energy.
Scientific coordinator / postdoctoral scientist: New observations and modelling for wind energy applications
The Institute of Environmental Physics conducts research on the topics atmospheric modeling and observations. We are looking for a postdoctoral scientists with interest in fundamental research on boundary layer meteorology tailored to the needs for wind energy. The positions are part of the exciting research and transfer project MiRadOr led by University Heidelberg with well-known European partners from research and globally leading industry partners for wind energy.
For Master and Bachelor theses or project internships, please contact the members of the research groups directly.
Prof. Norbert Frank