
Die Forschung am IUP widmet sich den physikalischen und geochemischen Prozessen des Klimasystems der Erde. Wir arbeiten mithilfe von modernsten Technologien, von der Quantenphysik zur Fernerkundung, und unter Anwendung von Simulationstechniken.

Zentrale Fragen betreffen die Emission und anthropogenen Einflüsse auf die Treibhausgase und das Erdklima. Veränderungen von Stoffkreisläufen in der Vergangenheit  und ihre präzise Datierung. Auch die Rolle von Aerosolen für das Erdklima ist ein wichtiger Themenkomplex. Um diese Forschungsgebiete zu bearbeiten nutzen wir zahlreiche experimentelle Beobachtungsmethoden und Numerische Modelle.

Publikationen (Highlights)

Stable isotope analysis in fluid inclusions

Several groups at IUP present new developments of a method for precise fluid inclusion stable isotope analysis of speleothems using cavity-ring down laser spectroscopy. With a continuously water-vapour purged extraction line, a method originally designed at University Bern, Therese Weisbach obtained high precision isotope measures on small µl liter amounts of water.

CO₂ pulses above Australia

The atmospheric physics group has a new paper in Science on soil respiration–driven CO2 pulses above Australia. Eva-Marie Metz, Sanam Vardag, Andre Butz and co-workers found pulses in CO2 concentrations recurring at the end of the dry season above Australia in most years.

Residence time of groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin

More than 10 years ago, the HydroTraP group at IUP contributed noble gas and especially helium data and its modeling to a multi-tracer groundwater dating study in the Great Artesian Basin in Australia.

The interface between magma and Earth's atmosphere

A major fraction of magmatic gas emissions are released into the atmosphere from open vents. The emission processes are characterized by fast turbulent mixing with atmospheric air (within seconds) and associated rapid cooling. Hardly anything is known about the chemical kinetics within this brief mixing and cooling period.

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