Persönliche Seite von Dr. Antao Xu Antao Xu
Dr. Antao Xu
Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Umweltphysik / Institut für Geowissenschaften
Im Neuenheimer Feld 229 (4th floor, room 404 )
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 54 6514
Email: antao.xu ( at )

Curriculum Vitae
04/2024 – | Postdoc, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University |
10/2019 – 12/2023 | PhD Thesis, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel |
09/2016 – 06/2019 | Master in Marine Geology University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China |
Paläoceanographie, Interaktion zwischen Atmosphäre, Ozean und Kryosphäre auf geologischen Zeitskalen
Kreislauf der Seltenen Erden Elemente und Isotope von Hafnium, Barium und Uran im Ozean
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Xu, A., Hathorne, E., Seidel, M., Liu, T., Asp, N. E., Koschinsky, A., Dittmar T. & Frank, M. (2025). The Amazonian mangrove systems accumulate and release dissolved neodymium and hafnium to the oceans. Communications Earth & Environment, 6(1), 13.
Zhang, Z., Xu, A., Hathorne, E., Gutjahr, M., Browning, T. J., Gosnell, K. J., ... & Frank, M. (2024). Substantial trace metal input from the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption into the South Pacific. Nature Communications, 15(1), 8986.
Xu, A., Hathorne, E., Laukert, G., & Frank, M. (2023). Overlooked riverine contributions of dissolved neodymium and hafnium to the Amazon estuary and oceans. Nature Communications, 14(1), 4156.
Liu, C., Wilson, D., Hathorne, E., Xu, A., & von Strandmann, P, 2023. The influence of river-derived particles on estuarine and marine elemental cycles: Evidence from lithium isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 361, pp.183-199.
Zhang B., Chen Z., Xu, A., Wang X., Tian Y., & Zhang Y. Evolution characteristics and controlling factors of deep-water corals in the southwest Dongsha Sea area since 8000 a BP. Journal of Tropical Oceanography. 2023 Jan 10;42(1):98-113.
Wang X., Chen Z., Xu, A., Tian Y., Cao L., & Zhang B., Grain size characteristics and influencing factors of terrigenous sediment in the deep-sea basin of the northeastern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Tropical Oceanography. 2022 Jan 10;41(1):158-70.
Xu, A., Hu, P., Chen, Z., Shu, C., Wang, X., & Tian, Y. (2020). A software tool to plot frequency and cumulative frequency curves automatically for grain size analysis of sediments. Earth Science Informatics, 13, 565-571.
Xu, A., Chen, Z., Qu, Y., Tian, Y., Shu, C., Zheng, X., ... & Zhao, M. (2019). Cold-water corals in a cold seep area on the northern continental slopes of the South China sea and their isotopic characteristics. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 152, 103043.
Zhong, Y., Chen, Z., Gonzalez, F. J., Zheng, X., Li, G., Luo, Y., ... & Wang, S. (2018). Rare earth elements and yttrium in ferromanganese deposits from the South China Sea: distribution, composition and resource considerations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37, 41-54.
Xu, A., Li F., Liu K., Xiang P., Zhao C., & Hu P. (2018). The characteristics and sedimentary model of Storm deposits in the Lower Devonian strata of Beichuan. Geology in China, 45(5): 1049-1061 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Goldschmidt 2025- Prague: 12e - Tracing marine trace element dynamics: impact of external sources and oceanic cycling.
Lehre und Betreuung
Kira Just*, Bachelorarbet in Physik: Ice-volume Driven Variability in the εNd Record of Drill Core ODP 982 in the Mid-depth Northeast Atlantic
Johanna Spielmann*, Bachelorarbeit in Physik: Trace-elements and Nd-Isotopes in the southern Iceland Basin
* mitbetreut durch Prof. Norbert Frank